This section is a work-in-progress, and some things are subject to change!

You have two options for setting up a development environment. You can either install everything onto your machine directly, or you can use a virtual machine.

Installing Review Board

If you have Linux or MacOS X, it's easy to get going on your own machine. If you have Windows, you may need to use a VM. (Note that Windows 10 with the Linux subsystem might work well, but we have not tested it.)

Once you've figured out where you want to install this, you can read our guide on getting started with a Review Board source tree.

You will also need to install nodejs. If you are on Ubuntu or Debian-based systems, you want to install the nodejs-legacy package, not nodejs. The only difference is the former installs a symlink for node to point to nodejs, which is required for 99% of NPM packages to function as they expect the binary to be nodejs and not node (which is what the latter provides).

Virtual Machines

If you do need to use a virtual machine, we recommend using either VMware Workstation (Windows/Linux) or VMware Fusion (Mac). We may have a few license keys for these available, though we don't have very many contacts left to get more. VMware Player is free, and works well too.

Note that we do not recommend VirtualBox, for performance reasons.

You will want to install Ubuntu Linux or CentOS in your virtual machine. There are other good options as well, but those are easy for us to support.